在美校友聚会 9月23-24日

  • 国科大
  • 日期:2010-05-19
  • 9556
中科院研究生院2006年9月23-24日27位在美校友在美国加州圣何塞的校友yi-hua tang家中聚会。yi-hua tang校友附上了他们聚会的照片,同时也附上了许多校友的Email 地址:
   From: “Shu, Emily Y“ emily.y.shu@intel.com
   To: “Yi-hua Tang“ yi-hua.tang@nist.gov
   xkcmd@yahoo.com, Jun.Yin@CFSAN.FDA.GOV, dalin@atmos.umd.edu,
   nairn@lynchburg.edu, huag@gscas.ac.cn, kecheng_zhou@yahoo.com,
   tiendapeng@yahoo.com, ptang@myriad.com, jameszhu@bellsouth.net,
   cyu@NJCU.edu, zeqizhou@aol.com, Zheng.Ding@normandale.edu,
   june.yen@vishay.com, jcxho@knology.net, lhyu@bnl.gov,
   xni@hotmail.com, feng07920@yahoo.com, dqfeng@gus.net,
   YLiu@caiso.com, pingyu.liu@worldnet.att.net, qliu@amgen.com,
   jinrub@hotmail.com, zwu@andromeda.rutgers.edu, hanming_wu@smics.com,
   mslizhou@yahoo.com, zhjy@pacbell.net, victor.jiang@courts.state.mn.us,
   joequ@microsoft.com, joequ@hotmail.com, mingyue_99@yahoo.com,
   rzhang@uow.edu.au, tianrongzhang@yahoo.com, ypeng@cs.umbc.edu,
   kaiyuandai@msn.com, shurendai@hotmail.com, caoti@uts.cc.utexas.edu,
   caon@helix.nih.gov, zeng@rowan.edu, chu@nps.navy.mil,
   zzhu@cola.iges.org, leed1978@excite.com, nli@swin.edu.au,
   kunfengl@hotmail.com, xyang@bnl.gov, cq_yang@yahoo.com,
   anniel65@yahoo.com, maojin@radiology.ufl.edu, jingwang710@earthlink.net,
   stevenwang80@hotmail.com, pianomozart2000@yahoo.com, wkcheng931@yahoo.com,
   mingsanzhang@yahoo.com, mczhang@yahoo.com,
   cqshu@yahoo.com, jiangzixin@comcast.net, yxue@ucla.edu,
   liqiu@yahoo.com, zhangbaoxu@yahoo.com, zuo-yu.zhao@pioneer.com,
   hemcousa@aol.com, lw_zheng@hotmail.com, luwenhe@worldnet.att.net,
   bingchen@att.com, jackleila@hotmail.com, cjh048@email.mot.com,
   hzheng@us.ibm.com, rhuang@whoi.edu, lipei@gscas.ac.cn,
   lipei64@263.net, lipei@imech.ac.cn, szc@ict.ac.cn, fan_zhihua@hotmail.com,
   zhfan@cgw.net.cn, dtien@csu.edu.au, luwenhe@att.net,
   hanj@cber.fda.gov, yhtang@verizon.net, mary.vandewater@tesco.net,
   li@cs.Princeton.EDU, chou@princeton.edu, zheng@pha.jhu.edu,
   Linuo.Liang@gmail.com, yingcong@gmail.com
   Subject: RE: Photos from the west coast reunior
   Date:Mon, 30 Oct 2006 08:19:15 -0800
   Mary spent two days, 9/23 and 9/24, in San Jose. A big party, 27
   attendees plus Li Kai who came the following day celebrated the great
   event. Lots of laughs and singing/dancing kept my house in good spirit
   throughout the night. Jiayi took us tour the San Fransisco 10 locations
   in one day - half of them were new places even to a native like me (14
   years living in the Bayarea).
   Lots of photos were taken. I only uploaded 4 pictures from each
   photographer as Mary suggested. I used Tang Yihua's Webshots
   Hope you can see them.
   -----Original Message-----
   From: Yi-hua Tang [mailto:yi-hua.tang@nist.gov]
   Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 10:01 AM
   To: xkcmd@yahoo.com; Jun.Yin@CFSAN.FDA.GOV; dalin@atmos.umd.edu;
   nairn@lynchburg.edu; yi-hua.tang@nist.gov; huag@gscas.ac.cn;
   kecheng_zhou@yahoo.com; tiendapeng@yahoo.com; ptang@myriad.com;
   jameszhu@bellsouth.net; cyu@NJCU.edu; zeqizhou@aol.com;
   Zheng.Ding@normandale.edu; june.yen@vishay.com; jcxho@knology.net;
   lhyu@bnl.gov; xni@hotmail.com; feng07920@yahoo.com; dqfeng@gus.net;
   YLiu@caiso.com; pingyu.liu@worldnet.att.net; qliu@amgen.com;
   jinrub@hotmail.com; zwu@andromeda.rutgers.edu; hanming_wu@smics.com;
   mslizhou@yahoo.com; zhjy@pacbell.net; victor.jiang@courts.state.mn.us;
   joequ@microsoft.com; joequ@hotmail.com; mingyue_99@yahoo.com;
   rzhang@uow.edu.au; tianrongzhang@yahoo.com; ypeng@cs.umbc.edu; Shu,
   Emily Y; kaiyuandai@msn.com; shurendai@hotmail.com;
   caoti@uts.cc.utexas.edu; caon@helix.nih.gov; zeng@rowan.edu;
   chu@nps.navy.mil; zzhu@cola.iges.org; leed1978@excite.com;
   nli@swin.edu.au; kunfengl@hotmail.com; xyang@bnl.gov; cq_yang@yahoo.com;
   anniel65@yahoo.com; maojin@radiology.ufl.edu; jingwang710@earthlink.net;
   stevenwang80@hotmail.com; pianomozart2000@yahoo.com;
   wkcheng931@yahoo.com; mingsanzhang@yahoo.com; mczhang@yahoo.com;
   cqshu@yahoo.com; jiangzixin@comcast.net; yxue@ucla.edu; liqiu@yahoo.com;
   zhangbaoxu@yahoo.com; zuo-yu.zhao@pioneer.com; hemcousa@aol.com;
   lw_zheng@hotmail.com; luwenhe@worldnet.att.net; bingchen@att.com;
   jackleila@hotmail.com; cjh048@email.mot.com; hzheng@us.ibm.com;
   rhuang@whoi.edu; lipei@gscas.ac.cn; lipei64@263.net; lipei@imech.ac.cn;
   szc@ict.ac.cn; fan_zhihua@hotmail.com; zhfan@cgw.net.cn;
   dtien@csu.edu.au; luwenhe@att.net; hanj@cber.fda.gov;
   yhtang@verizon.net; mary.vandewater@tesco.net; li@cs.Princeton.EDU;
   chou@princeton.edu; zheng@pha.jhu.edu; Linuo.Liang@gmail.com;
   Subject: Photos
   We had a very nice gathering in my house on 9/16 with Mary and Lyndall.
   It lasted to 3 am next day morning and continued for a while to almost
   noon on 9/17 after a short sleep. It was very refreshing to talk to each
   other every one or two years. I wish we can continue this tradition in
   the future.
   I took few pictures and posted on a web site (my wife Xiang Lan found it
   and we use it to post some other photos). Here's the link to see the
   photos or to download them if you wish
   (http://www.webshots.com/user/GSCAS). In case you don't know all the
   people in the pictures, let me introduce them to you.
   My wife: Xiang Lan
   Zheng Wei's wife: Xu Kai
   Feng Qun's wife: Xi Wei
   Yang Xiao-Qing's wife: Liu Lan-Feng
   I guess you know all the other people in the pictures. If you want post
   your pictures to this web-site, please send me your files.
   Best regards,
   Tang Yi-hua